Be wary of travel companies that offer terrific vacations at low prices. If you have been offered a great bargain on a cruise or a vacation and you can't seem to get all the details about it unless you pay the company, then you may be dealing with a travel scam. When you get the information there may be restrictions and conditions which make it more expensive (and sometimes impossible) to take your trip. If you think you've been scammed, contact, your local Better Business Bureau, state Consumer Affairs Office, or state attorney general's office.
When you purchase travel, whether directly or through a travel agent, you enter into a contract with the travel provider. This is an actual printed contract and you may have to request it. All airlines, for example, have "Conditions of Carriage", which include their rules covering limits of liability for lost baggage, check-in deadlines, responsibility for delayed or canceled flights, compensation for injuries and many others. Knowing what these contracts say could save you a lot of hassle if you run into any problems.
An airlines passenger service manual dictates what airlines can and cannot do for passengers. Because your airline ticket is actually a "contract" between you and the airline, many of your rights are governed by the terms of this contract.
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